Having sat on the board of directors of Hot Docs for six years, Walter has a keen interest in the chaos that is Hot Docs 2024. Plus being film festival administrators – Tanya presents the Hellifax Horror Fest (with Walter’s help) and Walter is part of the team that runs Lunenburg Doc Fest (with Tanya’s help) – we can’t avoid speculating on what went wrong and where. Best of luck to the festival and we hope the amazing programmers like Angie and Myrocia are brought back to the programming team.

Regardless, the show must go on and business needs to happen. Walter will be in Toronto from April 25 to May 2 to take in the Forum, watch films, have some meetings and help shepherd the Doc Atlantic Breakthrough participants as they navigate their first international film festival. Highlights will be taking the participants to CBC to visit Lesley Birchard and visit the set of Dragon’s Den as well as sit down meetings with Robin Smith (Blue Ice), Alex Rogalski (Hot Docs Canadian programmer), Christina Jennings (Telus), Shane Smith (TVO) and lots more.